Sei V2: Unlocking the Power of Parallelization for EVM Blockchain

3 min readJan 25, 2024


The blockchain industry has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, and Sei Labs is at the forefront of this revolution. In their latest announcement, Sei introduces Sei V2, the first parallelized EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain. This groundbreaking upgrade aims to combine the best features of Solana and Ethereum, offering a hyper-optimized execution layer with enhanced performance and flexibility for developers. Let’s delve deeper into the exciting world of Sei V2 and understand how it will shape the future of blockchain technology.

Unleashing the Potential

Sei has already established its presence as a high-performance blockchain, showcasing unmatched speed and transaction throughput. With Sei V2, the platform takes a giant leap forward by introducing parallelization to its execution layer. This means that transactions can be processed concurrently, significantly boosting the overall efficiency and speed of the network.

Backwards Compatibility

One of the key highlights of Sei V2 is its seamless integration with existing EVM-compatible blockchains. Developers can deploy audited smart contracts from Ethereum and other EVM chains onto Sei with no code changes required. This backward compatibility ensures a smooth transition and opens up a world of possibilities for developers to leverage their existing contracts and tooling on Sei.

Optimistic Parallelization

Sei V2 eliminates the need for developers to manually define state access in smart contracts. Through optimistic parallelization, the chain automatically runs transactions in parallel, resolving conflicts by rerunning conflicting transactions sequentially. This innovative approach maintains determinism in transaction ordering while maximizing parallelization, enhancing the overall developer experience.

Enhanced Storage and Performance

Sei V2 introduces SeiDB, an improved storage layer designed to prevent state bloat and optimize state read/write performance. By re-architecturing the storage interface, Sei achieves significant gains in both storage efficiency and latency reduction. Additionally, Sei V2 leverages PebbleDB, a highly performant database, further enhancing read/write performance for multi-threaded access.

Interoperability and Composability

Sei’s integrated chain architecture enables seamless interoperability between different components such as Cosmwasm, EVM, banking, and staking. Transactions across these components can communicate with each other, allowing developers to access native tokens and other chain features effortlessly. This interoperability promotes composability and expands the possibilities for building complex decentralized applications on Sei.

Unveiling the Performance

The initial performance metrics of Sei V2 are truly impressive. With a throughput of 28,300 batched transactions per second, 390 ms block times, and 390 ms finality, Sei V2 offers a highly scalable and responsive environment for users and developers. These numbers were achieved through rigorous testing on a distributed cluster, demonstrating Sei’s commitment to delivering high-performance blockchain infrastructure.


Sei V2 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology. By introducing parallelization, Sei combines the best of Solana and Ethereum, creating a platform that offers unparalleled speed, scalability, and flexibility to developers. With backward compatibility for EVM contracts, optimized parallelization, enhanced storage performance, and seamless interoperability, Sei V2 is poised to revolutionize the way developers build and deploy their applications.

If you are inerested in such perspective project and like its goals just join the program and develop it together with Sei team.

More detailed information about the Sei project you can learn in its official Whitepaper.

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